Pan American World Airways, originally founded as Pan American Airways and more commonly known as Pan Am, was an airline that was the principal and largest international air carrier and unofficial overseas flag carrier of the United States for much of the 20th century. It was the first airline to fly worldwide and pioneered numerous innovations of the modern airline industry, such as jumbo jets and computerized reservation systems. Until its dissolution on December 4, 1991, Pan Am “epitomized the luxury and glamour of intercontinental travel”, and it remains a cultural icon of the 20th century, identified by its blue globe logo (“The Blue Meatball”), the use of the word “Clipper” in its aircraft names and call signs, and the white uniform caps of its pilots. (Wiki: PanAm)

Regi.Aircraft TypeAirlineRemarks
Pan Am Boeing 727-200 N4737N4737Boeing 727-235Pan Am (Pan American World Airways)N4737 a Pan Am Boeing 727 on flight 759 crashed shortly after takeoff from New Orleans International Airport on 9 July 1982
Pan Am Boeing 707 N421PAN421PABoeing 707-321BPan Am (Pan American World Airways)“Clipper Charmer”

Photo: Copenhagen – Kastrup (CPH / EKCH) Denmark – January 30, 1976
Pan Am Boing 737-200 N63AFN63AFBoeing 737-222Pan Am (Pan American World Airways)“Clipper Schöneberg”
Pan American World Airways - Pan Am - Boeing 727-235 - N4735N4735Boeing 727-235Pan Am (Pan American World Airways)“Clipper Daring”
Pan American World Airways (Pan Am) - Boeing 707 - N407PAN407PABoeing 707-321BPan American World Airways – Pan Am“Clipper Celestial”

N407PA was destroyed during a terrorist attack at the Roma-Fiumicino Airport on December 17, 1973

Photo: Stockholm – Arlanda (ARN / ESSA)
Sweden – September 26, 1971
PAA - Pan American World Airways Douglas DC-4 - NX88888NX88888Douglas DC-4Pan American World Airways (PA / PAA)“Pan American Clipper”
Pan American - Pan Am - Douglas DC-4 - N88886N88886Douglas C-54E Skymaster (DC-4)Pan American – Pan Am
Pan American World Airways - Pan Am - Boeing 707 - N790PAN790PABoeing 707-321CPan Am (Pan American World Airways)“Jet Clipper Courser”
Pan American - Pan Am - Douglas DC-7C Seven Seas - N747PAN747PADouglas DC-7C Seven SeasPan American – Pan Am “Clipper Ganges”
Pan American Airways (PAA) - Fairchild 71 - NC9727NC9727Fairchild 71PAA – Pan American Airways
Pan Am - Douglas DC-8-33 - N806PAN806PADouglas DC-8-33Pan American – Pan Am

Alitalia, ItalyAviaco, SpainCrossair, SwitzerlandMonarch Airlines, UKPan Am, USAVarig, Brazil

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